Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mode of Action Of Leech Therapy

The leech saliva contains a cocktail of different enzymes into the skin. 
Their salivary glands are completely free of bacteria and contain main component, hirudin, and a substance which prevents the blood from clotting and can dissolve already coagulated blood. The analgesics present in leech saliva are of use in the treatment of osteoarthritis &inflammatory conditions

Enzymes in Leech Saliva and their Actions:

Active Substances in the Leech Saliva
Mode Of Action
Inhibits blood coagulation & increases the activity of white blood cells.
For cleansing of the wound by maintaining secondary-bleeding for another 2 hours.
Spreading factor; has a dilatation effect on the blood vessels.
Inhibits  blood coagulation
Works as a bactericide which accelerates the blood flow and lymphatic system.

Antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) properties.
Inhibits platelet aggregation.

Benefits of Leech Therapy:
·        Drains toxins (bodily & chemical).
·        Increases mobility.
·        Decreases lactic acid build-up in muscles.
·        Drains purulent joint inflammations.
·        Promotes blood flow to damaged tissue.
·        Relaxation of muscles / calming effect on patient.
·        Reduces heat from inflamed areas.
·        Thins the blood / Clears arterial blockages.
·        Reduces pain, stiffness and joint dysfunction.
·        Enhances the production of synovial fluid (joint fluid).
·        Accelerates the lymphatic systems, and hence stimulates the immune system.
·        Promotes vascular dilatation, and therefore increases the blood circulation, hence more oxygenated blood flows to the affected area.
·        Aids the healing process of lesions / wounds.

Monday, September 3, 2012

What Is Abhyanga? 

Abhyanga is the Sanskrit word for massage given to the entire body. It is an integral part of the daily routine (Dincharya) recommended by oldest healthcare system for maintaining good health. For thousands of years people have used Abhyanga to maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, and increase longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders.
 Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing. For thousands of years, people have used abhyanga to maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, increase longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders. The Sanskrit word sneha can be translated as both "oil" and "love". It is believed that the effects of abhyanga are similar to those received when one is saturated with love. Like the experience of being loved, abhyanga can give a deep feeling of stability and warmth. Sneha is subtle; this allows the oil/love to pass through minute channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissue.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that there are seven layers of tissue in the body (called dhatus). Each successive layer is more concentrated and life-giving. For sneha to reach the deepest layer, it is believed that it must be massaged into the body for 800 matras, roughly five minutes. To give this kind of attention to your entire body, you may need about fifteen-minutes. Considering the benefits that have been gained by people for thousands of years, fifteen-minutes per day is a minimal amount of time.

What Should Be Used For Massage?

Herbalized massage oils contain herbs known for their ability to strengthen the physiology and balance the mind. So the daily massage with a herbal massage oil has twice the beneficial power - the benefits from the performance of the actual massage and the added healing wisdom of the herbs.
Brahmi, Shatavari and Nirgundi are some Ayurvedic herbs you'll find in herbalized massage oils. Shatavari is renowned for its nourishing effect on the physiology. Narayani is the other name of Shatavari in Ayurveda and it means helpful in any way either you are taking it orally or topically or as nasya or may be as ear drops. It pacifies vata and pitta. It is very much useful as tonic (Balya) to general body weakness, hair, headache and all vata disorders. 
Apart from this many herbal oils are also used like dhanvantarum oil,elaadikerum oil,ksheerbala oil, bala aswagandha oil etc.

How Abhyanga Is Performed?

This herbal oil massage should be performed in the morning, before your bath or shower however you can enjoy it any time according to your ease. A daily full-body Bliss vata oil massage acts as a powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body. Try whole body Bliss vata oil massage on a daily basis preferably, otherwise on alternate day or twice a week according to your comfort. It is nourishing, pacifies Vata, pitta and Kapha, relieves physical and mental fatigue, provides stamina, pleasure and perfect sleep, enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin, promotes longevity and nourishes all parts of the body.
There are however, five general strokes that are used in traditional massage. These are sweeping, tapping, kneading, rubbing, and squeezing.1 sweeping is applied from the navel out toward the distal areas of the body in brisk, straight strokes. On the upper body, sweeping starts at the navel, sweeping up to the shoulder and then sweeping down to the hands. Sweeping is used to open and close a body area and are repeated up to twenty five times on one area. Sweeping warms the tissue and revitalizes the limbs and feel invigorating.

Tapping is used to awaken the body, alert the nerve endings, and increase circulation. It is done with open palms and relaxed fingers. After the area has received the tapping technique, it is kneaded at a depth that is tolerable to the client. The area is kneaded thoroughly and completely before the therapist moves on to the fourth technique, which is rubbing. Rubbing can be done on dry skin or performed with oil. It can be deep or light and superficial. Although some specific techniques rub in a counterclockwise direction, most often the rubbing is in clockwise circles.

 The fifth step in the massage sequence is squeezing. Using both hands, the therapist lifts an area of muscle with a squeezing and crossing torque-like motion. In bony areas such as the fingers and toes, a combination of squeezing fingers and toes, a drop of oil is placed on the finger so that it fills the gap between the nail and the flesh. The massage sequence ends for each body area just as it began with straight sweeps working out from the navel to the distal areas of the body.

Abhyanga massage is a gentle but firm whole body massage from head to toe using warm medicated oils. Oils are chosen according to the Prakruti (psychosomatic constitution) and the illness.
The massage is done in a soft rhythmic way with one or two persons massaging at the same time for forty five to sixty minutes.
After the massage a steam bath or hot shower is highly recommended.
Abhyanga massage is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating experience as well as a treatment in certain illness.
A regular Abhyanga protects from stress, anxiety, exhaustion and Vata disorder. It nourishes the body, extends the life span, provides good sleep, improves the skin texture, improves the vision and provides better physical stability.

Benefits Of Abhyanga: 

Abhyanga treatment is the best way to control and balance Vata in the body. Vata is the predominant entity in the sense of touch and skin is the organ of touch.
1.  Increases circulation, especially to nerve endings
2.  Toning of the muscles and the whole physiology
3.  Calming for the nerves
4.  Lubrication of the joints
5.  Increased mental alertness
6.  Improved elimination of impurities from the body
7.  Softer, smoother skin
8.  Increased level of stamina through the day
9.  Better, deeper sleep at night
    Balance Vyanavata and Pranavata
10.       Nourishes Shleshka kapha and Bhrajaka pitta
11.       Relieves fatigue and mental exhaustion
12.       Pumps up circulation upto deeper level (microcirculation), especially to nerve endings 
13.       ones up the muscles and the whole physiology 
14.       Calming  and soothing for the nerves 
15.       Lubricates  joints and surrounding structures 
16.       Helps Increase mental alertness 
17.       Drains out day to day to stress
18.       Improved elimination of impurities (Ama) from the body 
19.       Helps increase the smoothness and softness of skin
20.       Increases level of physical and mental  stamina 
21.       Promotes better quality of  sleep 

Benefits of applying oil to the scalp (Murdha taila):

- Makes hair grow luxuriantly, thick, soft and glossy
- Soothes and invigorates the sense organs
- Removes facial wrinkles

Benefits of applying oil to the ears (Karna purna):

- Benefits disorders in the ear which are due to increased Vata
- Benefits stiff neck
- Benefits stiffness in the jaw

Benefits of applying oil to the feet (Padaghata):

- Coarseness, stiffness, roughness, fatigue and numbness of the feet are alleviated
- Strength and firmness of the feet is attained
- Vision is enhanced
- Vata is pacified
- Sciatica is benefited
- Local veins and ligaments are benefited

A daily full-body oil massage therefore acts as a powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body.

B.A.M.S, D.N.H.E., N.D.D.Y., D.Y.N
Maharaishi Ayurveda Hospital
BP-block,Shalimar bagh(w),
New Delhi-110088
Leech Introduction

The Enzymatic constitution Of Leeches are as follows:

Inhibits blood coagulation by binding to thrombin
Inhibits blood coagulation by blocking the binding of von Willebrand factor to collagen. Inhibits collagen- mediated platelet aggregation
Monomerizing activity. Dissolves fibrin. Thrombolytic effects
Inhibits kallikrein, trypsin, chymotrypsin, neutropholic cathepsin G
Anti-inflammatory. Inhibits trypsin, plasmin, acrosin
Increases interstitial viscosity. Antibiotic
Tryptase inhibitor
Inhibits proteolytic enzymes of host mast cells
Anti-inflammatory. Inhibit the activity of alpha-chymotrypsin, chymase, substilisin, elastase, cathepsin G
Factor Xa inhibitor
Inhibits the activity of coagulation factor xa by forming equimolar complexes
Complement inhibitors
May possibly replace natural complement inhibitors if they are deficient
Carboxypeptidase A inhibitors
Increases the inflow of blood at the bite site
Histaminelike substances
Vasodilator. Increases the inflow of blood at the bite site
Anesthetics substance

Leech- Mode Of Action....

Leeches can attach themselves to a human body and suck out blood for 30 minutes to an hour, removing about 20 ml of blood before they fall off. They attach themselves to the skin using two muscular suckers. They then bite the skin through three teeth that are inside one of these suckers. Leeches can actually ingest about five times their body weight in blood before they let go of the skin and fall off.
These little creatures have had a long and strange history in the medical field. The first recorded use of medicinal leeches was about 2500 years ago.Back then, leeches were used to remove the “bad blood” from patients that were suffering from things as basic as a headache etc.

Leech- Morphology
Medicinal leeches have 5 pairs of eyes, but they do not see the full spectrum of a picture, although leeches can find their way almost perfectly. Smell, taste and touch are well-developed, which help leeches to survive. It is worth noticing that leeches wonderfully respond to smell of items that are deep down the water. They can't live in contaminated and smelly water. Medicinal Leech can't be closed to salt, beer, wine, chlorine, alcohol, etc. If they do they will be killed almost instantly. Leeches don’t walk, but they move by either an undulating swimming motion (eel like) or by an inch-worm like crawl using both, the anterior and posterior suckers. 

Hirudo medicinalis has been the focus of most scientific studies for many hundreds years . This annelid from the subclass Hirudinea has 2 suckers, an anterior (head) and a posterior (back), The back is bigger than the anterior. The Hirudinea has 32 brains. It has between 80 to 100 tiny small teeth in each jaw, in total it has between 240 to 300 teeth. It is hermaphrodite, which means it has two reproductive organs: Ovaries and testes. https://twitter.com/Omshivaayurveda
Leeches usually have three jaws but the Australian land leech has only two jaws and make a V-shaped incision. In general leeches make a Y-shaped incision when they attach to its prey. Their size range between 7 mm long to 300 mm when extended and very agile to extend or reduce their length. They normally breathe with their body and they have anaerobic breathing system, which means they can breathe without oxygen unlike human. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beauty Therapy By Leeches

Beauty Therapy By Leeches

In this running lifestyle, we usually forget our Healthy Diet and Daily routine which increases the toxins in our body and creates many health hazards.
Improper dietary habits also affects our hormonal system and their proper functioning too.
In the adolescent age, Hormonal fluctuations is quite obvious and if the diet and daily routine is also disturbed then it will reflect in many ways .Among many adolescent diseases the most common in ACNE or PIMPLES.

Also here are so many other causes like lack of hygiene, spicy food, habitual constipation, hereditary, change in environment, hot season, etc. which basically cause the imbalance of DOSHAS which creates the disease.
           Ayurveda believes it as a RAKTA DUSHTI means cause of pimples is impure blood. If we do purification of of blood then pimples may not occur and vanish permanently.
Along with above said management “Leech Therapy” is best treatment for pimples. So many patients got relief because of this therapy.
           Leeches are special type of earthworm like living organism  which sucks only impure blood if applied at affected body part. It’s Latin name is “Hrudina medicinalis”. Name itself suggests it’s used as medicine. Since ancient time ayurveda uses it, as a medicinal weapon. 
           Medicinal (Non-poisonous) leeches are used for the treatment of pimples.

Magic Of Leech Therapy

Medicinal use of Leeches has a long and fascinating tradition. Leeches not only suck the impure blood but also they have many active ingredients found in their saliva are of therapeutic applications. The leech is nature’s own pharmacist, providing numerous active substances which are also used in modern medicine. These active ingredients are helpful in treating painful inflammation of the joints and back as well as a variety of circulatory ailments including varicose veins.
What happens during Leech therapy?
Treatment lasts from 20-50 minutes. Treatment begins by placing the leech on a pre-selected spot of skin.
Leech therapy is the safest method of bloodletting of diseases e.g. psoriasis, eczema, migraine, alopecia, hypertension etc.
Leeches are having anti coagulant enzyme namely HIRUDINE which enhances the micro circulation of blood. It is a painless procedure and can be easily applied on the delicate persons like children also.
Before leech Application, some investigations are necessary:
1.   Hemoglobin
2.   Bleeding time
3.   Clotting Time
4.   HIV Test
5.   Blood Sugar

Leech therapy has shown drastic result in patients with Pain disorders, psoriasis, Eczema, Swelling and all other kind of skin infections.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases have shown drastic results in 1 to 2 sittings. Indications of Leech Therapy are:

Eczema                                                              Psoriasis
Osteoarthritis                                                    Rheumatoid arthritis
Sciatica                                                             Cellulites
Inflammatory Reactions                                   Blood purification
Rheumatic Diseases                                         Varicose Veins                                                Diabetic Wounds                                              Boils 
and abscesses                                      Thrombosis (blood clot)                                   Hypertension                                          
Alopecia                                                            Herpes zoster

Steps for application of Leech

Purvakarma (before procedure)
  1. Purification of leech by pouring the leech in haridra (turmeric powder) and water.
  2. Part preparation – cleaning of place by turmeric water. The patient’s skin is cleaned thoroughly with soap and water or turmeric water.
  3. Investigate Hb%, B.T, C.T of the patient whom the Leech has to be applied.

Pradhana karma (main procedure)
  1.  Application of honey or by making an incision or a needle prick (if needed) at the desired site so that of blood is produced and the leech attaches to the wound / incision quickly.
  2. Steer the leeches head to the area to be treated. The head of the leech can be recognized by is searching forward movements, while the tail end is used as a sucker for attachment, The leeches must be applied in adequate numbers to area of maximum infection / congestion.
  3.  When Leech starts sucking blood, cover the leech with wet cotton.
  4. When the leech has finished sucking the blood, usually within 30 minutes, remove it (if it does not come off by itself) by applying salt or turmeric powder on its head.
  5.  Ensure that the same leech is applied next time to the same patient.
  6. Apply Tankan Bhasma and pressure bandage at the site of Leech Application.
  7. Watch the patient at least for 30 minutes for further bleeding.

Paschata karma (after procedure)
  1. Induction of emesis to the leech by dusting of haridra churna (turmeric powder) on its mouth.
  2. Sometimes pressing the leech from caudal to front end is required for proper emesis so Press the detached leech between fingers to force out the sucked impure blood.
  3.  Then put back in fresh water container. Leech should be freed in fresh water, where it swims swiftly and then settles down.
  4. The patient’s area where the leeches have been put should be examined for local infections and bleedings.
  5. The minor wounds can be cleaned and washed with honey, and bandaged.
  6. One leech should be reserved for one particular patient.
  7. Hemoglobin of the patient has to be checked before every Leech application