Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beauty Therapy By Leeches

Beauty Therapy By Leeches

In this running lifestyle, we usually forget our Healthy Diet and Daily routine which increases the toxins in our body and creates many health hazards.
Improper dietary habits also affects our hormonal system and their proper functioning too.
In the adolescent age, Hormonal fluctuations is quite obvious and if the diet and daily routine is also disturbed then it will reflect in many ways .Among many adolescent diseases the most common in ACNE or PIMPLES.

Also here are so many other causes like lack of hygiene, spicy food, habitual constipation, hereditary, change in environment, hot season, etc. which basically cause the imbalance of DOSHAS which creates the disease.
           Ayurveda believes it as a RAKTA DUSHTI means cause of pimples is impure blood. If we do purification of of blood then pimples may not occur and vanish permanently.
Along with above said management “Leech Therapy” is best treatment for pimples. So many patients got relief because of this therapy.
           Leeches are special type of earthworm like living organism  which sucks only impure blood if applied at affected body part. It’s Latin name is “Hrudina medicinalis”. Name itself suggests it’s used as medicine. Since ancient time ayurveda uses it, as a medicinal weapon. 
           Medicinal (Non-poisonous) leeches are used for the treatment of pimples.

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