Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mode of Action Of Leech Therapy

The leech saliva contains a cocktail of different enzymes into the skin. 
Their salivary glands are completely free of bacteria and contain main component, hirudin, and a substance which prevents the blood from clotting and can dissolve already coagulated blood. The analgesics present in leech saliva are of use in the treatment of osteoarthritis &inflammatory conditions

Enzymes in Leech Saliva and their Actions:

Active Substances in the Leech Saliva
Mode Of Action
Inhibits blood coagulation & increases the activity of white blood cells.
For cleansing of the wound by maintaining secondary-bleeding for another 2 hours.
Spreading factor; has a dilatation effect on the blood vessels.
Inhibits  blood coagulation
Works as a bactericide which accelerates the blood flow and lymphatic system.

Antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) properties.
Inhibits platelet aggregation.

Benefits of Leech Therapy:
·        Drains toxins (bodily & chemical).
·        Increases mobility.
·        Decreases lactic acid build-up in muscles.
·        Drains purulent joint inflammations.
·        Promotes blood flow to damaged tissue.
·        Relaxation of muscles / calming effect on patient.
·        Reduces heat from inflamed areas.
·        Thins the blood / Clears arterial blockages.
·        Reduces pain, stiffness and joint dysfunction.
·        Enhances the production of synovial fluid (joint fluid).
·        Accelerates the lymphatic systems, and hence stimulates the immune system.
·        Promotes vascular dilatation, and therefore increases the blood circulation, hence more oxygenated blood flows to the affected area.
·        Aids the healing process of lesions / wounds.

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