Saturday, March 1, 2014



As we know Ayurveda deals with living a healthy life.
Prevention of diseases is our first aim.
According to Ayurveda, there are 13 non suppressible natural urges for a human being.
Ayurveda also describes various types of channels in our body and if these urges are suppressed then it straight away leads to blockage in these channels. Each channel has its own purpose .No flow in any of them is wrong or to be suppressed. To suppress any has an unbalancing effect on all and deranges the life force. The product that should be discharged is forced to stay in the body and the natural urge to expel it is suppressed and driven backwards. This not only causes the suppression function to be weakened but also causes the whole nervous system to be disturbed, as the nerve behind the impulse must be discharged elsewhere. It may cause a flow in the wrong direction or out of the channel altogether.
Suppression of natural urges tends to derange VATA.
The thirteen non suppressed urges are towards:
1.    Urination                                 8. Yawning
2.    Excretion                                 9. Eating
3.    Ejaculation                             10. Drinking
4.    Farting                                    11. Crying
5.    Vomiting                                12. Sleeping
6.    Sneezing                                 13. Breathing
7.    Belching
1.    Suppression of urge to urinate causes: difficult or painful urination and lower back ache.
2. Suppression of urge to defecate causes: constipation, abdominal pain and muscle cramps.
3. Suppression of urge to ejaculate causes: swelling of prostrate, difficult urination and malaise.
4.  Suppression of urge to fart causes: constipation, abdominal pain and in  a longer run causes arthritis.
5.    Suppression of urge to vomit causes: nausea, anorexia, anemia, fever and skin diseases.
6.  Suppression of urge to sneeze causes: headache, facial nerve pain and numbness of sensory organs.
7.    Suppression of urge to belch causes: hiccups, anorexia, difficult breathing and palpitations.
8.    Suppression of urge to yawn causes: tremors, numbness, convulsions and insomnia.
9.    Suppression of urge to eat causes: lack of appetite, poor digestion and mal-absorption.
10. Suppression of urge to drink causes: dryness, deafness, fatigue and heart pain.
11.  Suppression of urge to cry causes: eye diseases, allergies and heart diseases.
12.Suppression of urge to sleep causes: insomnia, fatigue, headache and heaviness in eyes.

13.Suppression of urge to breathe causes: cough, asthma shallow breathing and heart diseases.